Summer Weeds

Summer Weeds
Solo exhibition
What’s art gallery (Sendai)
Opening act: Shinya Takatori (dj / sound artist)

Solo exhibition at What’s Art Gallery, Sendai, Japan in 2006, a development of solo exhibition “Starring You”, which was held in the same year at the gallery Switch Point in Tokyo. The exhibition is an installation of several motion graphics works and other stuffs which are about the personal dreams, nightmare and obsession. The subject of this installation conforms to the exhibition Starring You : “Matter is equal to what we call an image”. The title of the exhibition is a quotation of well‐known haiku poem written by Basho Matsuo in Japan.
Summer weeds, ancient warriors leave, the traces of their dreams.
(Translated into English by Takehito Shiina)

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Summer Weeds
個展「Summer Weeds」
What’s art gallery、仙台
Opening act: Shinya Takatori (dj / sound artist)

What’s Art Gallery(仙台)での2006年の個展。同年の個展「Starring You」(switch point、国分寺)を発展させたもの。私的な夢、悪夢、忘却に関するモーショングラフィクスを用いたいくつかの作品によるインスタレーションである。展覧会名の「Summer Weeds」は松尾芭蕉の有名な俳句「夏草や/兵どもが/夢の跡」からの引用である。

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