Starring You
Solo exhibition
Switch point (Kokubunji, Tokyo)
Arrangement: Souichirou Fukai (sculptor)
Support: Kirin Brewery Company, Ltd.
Matter is Equal to What We Call an Image.
For instance, in a case you try to tell the truth to children, to say “A friend next to you hand in hand consists of images in fact.” is more correct expression than to say “Stars glittering far away also consist of matter in fact” to describe the reality.
The production process of this work is below. About a year after I broke up with girlfriend, one night, I suddenly had a nightmare about her. Then I remember over 700 pieces of photographs of her portraits. I scanned all of them into computer, and made an abstractive motion graphics film with them. In the exhibition, the film was being projected behind a plastic sphere which has a diameter of 160 centimeters, a same length as ex‐girlfriend’s height. As the film was projected face to face from both sides of the globe with two projectors, you can see the image without interruption from any angle of 360 degrees. This sphere is entitled Black Opal Portrait, compared itself with a glittering star. The exhibition also has drawings of her portrait drawn while we were in a relationship with, displayed around the room. In order to overcome the nightmare, I decided to make the woman to be a star.
Your Inner Star 2006, w371×h461×d20mm, crayon on paper, framed
Portrait 1999, w411×h525×d20mm, blue ink on paper, framed
Portrait 1999, w408×h522×d22mm, pencil on paper, framed
Portrait 1999, w398×h512×d22mm, pencil on paper, framed
Stare iii 2006, w461×h370×d20mm, ink on paper, framed
Stare ii 2006, w461×h370×d20mm, ink on paper, framed
Portrait 1999, w408×h522×d22mm, pencil on paper, framed
Agula 2003, w427×h550×d28mm, pencil on paper, framed
Portrait 1999, w406×h522×d22mm, pencil on paper, framed
Portrait 1999, w410×h524×d20mm, blue ink on paper, framed
Portrait 1999, w410×h526×d20mm, blue ink on paper, framed
Stare i 2006, w461×h370×d20mm, ink on paper, framed
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Starring You
個展「Starring You」
Switch point、国分寺、東京
この作品は次のような経緯で制作された。 恋人と別れて1年ぐらい経った頃、突然彼女の悪夢を見た。そこで思い出したのが、後に残され放って置かれた700枚を超える彼女の写真。これらを全てパソコンに取り込み、この写真群を素材とした抽象的なモーショングラフィックス動画を制作した。その動画を元恋人の身長と同じ長さの直径(160cm)を持つFRP球体に背面投影している。2台のプロジェクターを用いて、球体の両側から向かい合わせに投影しているので、360度どこからでも途切れることなく映像を眺めることができる。「Black Opal Portrait」と名付けられたこの球体作品を輝く星に見立てている。展示ではさらに、交際中に彼女をモデルにして描いていたドローイングを部屋の周囲に飾っている。 悪夢を克服するために、その女性には星になってもらうことにした。
Your Inner Star 2006, w371×h461×d20mm, crayon on paper, framed
Portrait 1999, w411×h525×d20mm, blue ink on paper, framed
Portrait 1999, w408×h522×d22mm, pencil on paper, framed
Portrait 1999, w398×h512×d22mm, pencil on paper, framed
Stare iii 2006, w461×h370×d20mm, ink on paper, framed
Stare ii 2006, w461×h370×d20mm, ink on paper, framed
Portrait 1999, w408×h522×d22mm, pencil on paper, framed
Agula 2003, w427×h550×d28mm, pencil on paper, framed
Portrait 1999, w406×h522×d22mm, pencil on paper, framed
Portrait 1999, w410×h524×d20mm, blue ink on paper, framed
Portrait 1999, w410×h526×d20mm, blue ink on paper, framed
Stare i 2006, w461×h370×d20mm, ink on paper, framed
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